Many people think that squint is a permanent condition and cannot be corrected. But the truth is that eyes can be straightened at any age. Commonly known as “Strabismus”, where the eyes are not aligned in the same direction, this can be present only part of the time, in one or alternating between two eyes. The squinting may turn in (converge), turn out (diverge) or sometimes turn up or down. It arises due to an incorrect balance of muscles, refractive error, childhood illnesses, nerve palsy and several other reasons. the squint is suspected, then it is necessary to evaluate the baby at the earliest. Sometimes a “Pseudo Squint” may be present due to a wide gap between the eyes and, a flat nose bridge where the eyes do appear misaligned but do not have the squint. It can be associated with decreased vision or diplopia (double vision). Loss of binocular vision (ability to use the Eyes together) can lead to loss of fine stereopsis (depth perception) and peripheral visual field.
For more details please contact us at +918595460069
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